School Applications for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
St Chris is a mainstream independent school that takes pride in supporting students who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
It is only possible for us to provide additional support for a small proportion of our student intake each year.
In order to determine the necessary support required during the admission process and if an offer is made, we require parents of children with special educational needs, specific pastoral needs, disabilities or allergies to share their child’s needs with the School when they complete the Application Form for a place at the school, and before they have undertaken any of our assessments.
At the point of completing the Application Form parents must share any known or suspected needs or diagnoses relating to their child’s health, well-being, abilities or behaviour. This includes any known or suspected pastoral issues relating to their child’s physical or mental health, their well-being, social interactions, bullying or wider family circumstances. It also includes any issues that may impact on their suitability to board if they are applying for a boarding place.
Please see our Admissions Policy for further information.

The Admissions Process
Our admissions process for children with SEND is outlined below. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Admissions Department.

Step 1 - Apply for a place
Once we have received your application, school report and any additional reports that explain your child's individual needs, our Admissions Department will then share all documents with the SEND Department and the Head. We may also contact the SENCo or Head at the current school for further discussion.

Step 2 - Entrance assessments
Where we conclude that we can reasonably meet a child’s needs, we invite them for assessment. We will also request a reference from the child's current school. Where we cannot reasonably meet a child's needs, we inform the parents at the earliest possible stage to enable them to consider other options.

Step 3 - Offer
Offers are made in writing with deadlines for the acceptance of a place. A signed Acceptance Form and the payment of the deposit by the deadline secures a place. Please submit all reports and information relevant to your child’s needs when completing our online Application Form.