St Chris Sixth Form Curriculum
The Sixth Form at St Chris represents the pinnacle of school life: the academic work is at its most challenging; the opportunities for developing one’s personality and wider social skills are at their greatest; extra-curricular activities flourish at their broadest.
It is the place too from where the horizons of the future can most obviously be viewed. The Sixth Form is the juncture at which the transition from school to university, college and the world beyond school begins.
St Chris Sixth Form is an inspiring and challenging place to learn.
During the two years of Sixth Form pupils grow and develop both academically and socially, making the most of the nurturing environment and the many opportunities available at St Chris.
The quality of the experience of being a Sixth Former at St Chris prepares students as fully as possible for life after school. Our small class sizes ensure that students can be given outstanding support as they make decisions about university entrance – decisions which will almost certainly have a great influence on their lives.
Studying in the Sixth Form
We offer a wide range of A level courses and a Level 3 Diploma. Students thrive in small classes and enjoy individual attention and excellent facilities, with many specialist areas purpose-built and equipped to the highest standards.
Academic excellence seamlessly intertwines with personal growth and holistic development as students take the biggest step in their educational journey so far.
Our bespoke study programme caters to the diverse interests and ambitions of our students, providing a platform to thrive academically and cultivate essential life skills.
St Chris has a long-standing record of academic success. Through a system of dedicated and individually tailored support from Higher Education and UCAS Advisers, careers advice and bespoke support, we can support our students to reach their next steps. Students regularly gain admission to the very best universities (including Oxford, Cambridge and others of the Russell Group) as well as art colleges, apprenticeships and vocational qualifications. In 2023, 90% of pupils were offered a place at their first choice of university.
At St Chris you can dive into anything safe in the knowledge that you’ll never ‘hit the bottom’.

Typical Study Programme
For most Sixth Form students at St Chris, their study programme will comprise:
A Level and Level Three Diploma Courses |
Most students undertake three A levels or two A level courses and a Level Three Diploma. The opportunity to consider four A level subjects is offered to some particularly well-qualified applicants, however it is not necessary for university entrance Which subjects to study is an important decision and at St Chris, you will be fully supported through this process in Year 11, or during the admissions journey if you are new to the School. |
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) |
EPQ is an optional part of the extended curriculum in the Sixth Form and is designed to complement the A level programme by providing greater breadth and to help our students develop the skills they will draw upon later in their lives, such as research and independent study skills. The EPQ is an excellent preparation for the types of skills needed at degree level and can give extra weight and value to a university application. |
PSHE, careers and higher education programme |
There is a wide-ranging programme for PSHE in Year 12 which follows the guidance from the PSHE Association and feedback from pupil voice about what students would like to cover. Visiting speakers come to the school to talk to the students about a variety of issues, for example: consent and relationships; the law; mental health; gap years; personal finance and careers. These compulsory sessions are a stimulating extension to the students’ programme and provide ample opportunity for developing thinking and discussion skills. St Chris provides comprehensive guidance and support to help students formulate their plans following Sixth Form through the PSHE curriculum. Students have access to Unifrog, a careers and post-16 application platform which supports young people to consider what their next steps are after school. This includes in depth information about all university courses in the UK and many international ones, as well as key information about each university campus to ensure students are able to make informed decisions about which courses to apply for. Each pupil also has a programme of one-to-one meetings with a dedicated Higher Education Adviser, who provides application guidance and support. |
Tutorial programme |
Students benefit from a close relationship with their Personal Tutor who actively monitor their progress through Sixth Form. |
Study periods for independent learning |
Used at a student’s discretion to independently study for their A levels. It is likely that pupils will need to undertake a minimum of three to four study hours per subject, outside of lessons, per week to meet the requirements of their course. Pupils can use the Sixth Form Centre’s quiet study rooms and the library during these periods. |
Options Programme |
The whole Senior School is involved in Options – our activities programme – every Thursday afternoon. Some of the current Options include cycling, enamelling, film editing, costume and set design, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and advanced cookery. |
Community Service |
All members of Year 12 take part in the St Chris Community Service Programme from January in Lower Sixth. This involves a commitment of at least 10 hours where pupils undertake volunteer work at a variety of local charities and organisations. This has been found to be a rewarding experience and has led students to undertake further volunteer work in the Upper Sixth or during a Gap Year. |
A Levels and Post 16 Courses Available to Study
St Chris offers a wide and comprehensive range of A levels, which includes all the facilitating subjects listed by the Russell Group of top universities, as well as a Level Three Diploma.
A Level Subjects Offered |
Diploma Subjects Offered |
Food Science & Nutrition (Level 3 Diploma) |
Academic Progress and Tracking
Each year parents receive two interim reports and two full reports. There are also two Parents’ Consultations when subject teachers and personal tutors are available for one-to-one meetings. Students are encouraged to attend these meetings along with their parents or guardians.
All departments and subjects offer opportunities to support and extend student’s learning beyond the classroom. These are often at lunchtime or after school, and in some cases, such as for A-level 3D Design, at weekends.
Structure of the Day
The main St Chris school day runs from 8.30am to 3.55pm and is made up of five lessons.
8.30 to 9.10am | Registration or Morning Talk |
9.10 to 10.10am | Period 1 |
10.10 to 10.30am | Break |
10.30 to 11.30am | Period 2 |
11.40 to 12.40pm | Period 3 |
12.40 to 1.40pm | Lunch |
1.40 to 1.45pm | Registration |
1.45 to 2.45pm | Period 4 |
2.55 to 3.55pm | Period 5 |
Morning Talks
Morning Talks, the St Chris name for an Assembly, take place three times a week for Sixth Form. They are for the whole school on a Monday and Friday, with a dedicated Sixth Form Morning Talk each Thursday.
There is a rolling programme of visiting speakers and Morning Talks also provide an excellent opportunity for music and performance – both as a collective and in smaller groups. Morning Talks also include a period of silence, a tradition which has long been held at the School, which gives pupils and staff alike the time and space to think about what they have heard in the context of their own life and that of the wider community.
You will be asked to participate in Sixth Form Morning Talks and have input into the subjects covered. In the past, students have delivered Morning Talks both in groups and individually – to the great benefit of all.
Start your St Chris Sixth Form Journey
At St Chris, our Sixth Form is not a phase of academic study. Rather, the Sixth Form offers a well-rounded experience that transcends traditional boundaries. Through a comprehensive study programme, diverse course offerings, and an array of extracurricular activities, we pave the way for students to excel academically and personally grow no matter their destinations beyond our walls.
The commitment to fostering independence, critical thinking, and social awareness creates a nurturing environment where every student is empowered to embrace their unique journey. When pupils join St Chris Sixth Form, they learn and grow in the knowledge that each day is a step towards a future filled with knowledge, confidence, and limitless possibilities.