Sixth Form Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND) Provision
The SEND team work collaboratively with staff across the Sixth Form curriculum to implement reasonable adjustments for individuals to ensure access to quality-first teaching.
The SEND team work collaboratively with staff across the Sixth Form to implement reasonable adjustments for individuals to ensure access to quality-first teaching. The IN team work closely with Sixth Form staff to ensure adequate access arrangements are in place and that students are familiar with certain strategies being their usual way of working.
Our SEND team, lead by the Senior School SENCo, liaise with students, staff and parents and/or guardians to ensure workloads are carefully managed and all parties are adequately supported.
Supporting Individual Needs
Students are supported on an individual basis depending on need through a comprehensive programme of IN provision. Students may attend 1-1 mentoring with a member of the SEND Team within our SEND hub and/or group workshops. As part of the school's continuous professional development, the SEND Team lead a programme of training for all class teachers.
Students are helped to improve their independent study skills in support sessions, covering topics that include time management, organisation and note taking. Most of these sessions are held as workshops which students can use to upskill or during PSHE time.

Executive Function Skills
Based on neuroscientific research, executive function skills support is a learner-led approach to behavioural change. It supports learners to develop self-awareness and to form new habits, helping them become more independent. It can help students to develop study skills and wider life skills to help in their next stages of education and into the work place. It is based on a collaborative approach and is a long-term intervention that builds on small achievable steps towards individualised targets, with bespoke strategies and support.
Accessing Co-Curricular Opportunities
Our co-curricular offering is built around participation for all, which is a large reason why our extracurricular opportunities are so extensive. Thursday Options rotate three times a year and student are given choice over which Options they take. Once options have been allocated and before they are sent out to students, necessary provision is put in place to support that student in each Option. Each Option is led by teacher who supports students in getting the most out of their Option and to help them feel part of the group.
When residential trips are organised, accessibility is at the forefront of our planning. We recognise that some students will struggle to go out on residentials, but we have open and supportive conversations with these students prior to our trips to help them feel at ease. These students are also supported actively by teachers and the IN team. At St Chris, we feel it is integral for students to go on the Late Summer Programme as it furthers their self-confidence, enables them opportunities to bond with their peers outside of class, and allows them to explore learning beyond the classroom. For many of our neurodivergent students, the latter is incredibly important for their development and students who attend these trips return proud that they went and eager to go again.
UCAS Application Process
Our SEND team support Sixth Form students throughout their UCAS application process. This may include supporting students in writing their personal statements and helping students to research the available IN support at university. Staff across both the IN team and the Sixth Form team share up to date knowledge of alternative pathways including apprenticeships for students who may feel university is not right for them.
Support Beyond Sixth Form
Our SEND team are integral in aiding students’ transition from school to university. For all students, this is a significant time and can be quite unnerving. Suddenly, students become young adults and must navigate a new city, new friendships, and a new curriculum. The SEND team help students emotionally prepare for this change, while also offering an open door to talk about worries and concerns. For those entering apprenticeships or jobs after Sixth Form, the SEND team share awareness of government-funded Access to Work grants and work with the PSHE department to help students gain an understanding of their desired career path.
Students with SEND can also undertake Work Experience with the support of the PSHE department and have ownership of where they complete their work experience. This is an outstanding opportunity for students to gain real-life experience of the working world and get to grips with the expectations of a workplace and a new environment.