Pupils at St Christopher School take GCSE and A level examinations. Our students do not take part in other external examinations, for example SATs.
Examination results record one very important aspect of achievement at school. We have decided quite deliberately not to publish our results as part of league tables in the national press. We do not compare ourselves with other schools and we do not compare one student with another based on narrow criteria or single datapoints. We look at the achievements of every individual in the context of their own ability and aim to ensure that all fulfil their potential regardless of what this looks like or their capabilities.
We are also proud that, irrespective of cognitive ability, all our young people have many things in common: their capacity for friendship; determination to be the best they can be; care for others and the environment; faith in human nature, and their ability to be part of a diverse, rich and rewarding community.
For a full breakdown of our A level results please click on the links below:
A Level Examination Results 2023
A Level Examination Results 2022
For a full breakdown of our GCSE results please click on the links below:
Enter your child's date of birth to discover the key steps to joining us:
Name of child
Date of birth
Children can join the Nursery from the term they turn 3. As part of our School, the St Chris Nursery operates during term-time and we have a range of different sessions available for families:
In the Junior School, we welcome new students throughout the year from the ages of 5 to 11 years old. The main entry points in the Junior School are Reception, Year 3 and Year 5 and our admissions process can be found below:
Students can join the Senior School from Years 7 to Year 10 (ages 11 to 15). The main entry points are Year 7 and Year 9. View our admissions process below:
Students can join the Sixth Form in Year 12 (ages 16-17) and applications are encouraged by November in the year previous to enrolment to ensure subject availability: