Pastoral Care in the St Christopher School Nursery
Our pastoral approach for our youngest learners is entirely holistic; focusing on the development of emotional regulation, communication skills and relationship building.
Our pastoral approach for our youngest learners is entirely holistic; focusing on the development of emotional understanding and regulation, communication skills and social interactions. We operate a key worker system in the Nursery enabling each child to develop an early positive relationship with a specific member of the team. This relationship supports students to engage with all opportunities available in the Nursery whilst supporting each child’s individual and emotional needs. Over time, our youngest learners build relationships with our entire Nursery team so they feel confident and comfortable with all members of staff.
“The care that my child has received, and frankly the love from teachers, and the individual approach offered, flexibility and communications with parents, have all exceeded my expectations. My son struggled to go to pre-school and now he wakes on a weekend and is sad that he can’t go to Monte. It warms my heart and I never expected this to happen.”
St Chris Monte parent review - Current Parents’ Survey 2022

Building a Curious Environment
Excellent pastoral care at St Chris is fundamental to everything we believe, and everything we are. Providing excellent pastoral care means taking the time to recognise and understand the different needs of each of our children – something which ultimately can only come about by listening, discussing and building consensus directly with the children.
Unlike many schools, where pastoral care is an add-on and used after things have gone wrong, at St Chris pastoral care is the starting point upon which everything else is built.
We’ve found that not wearing a uniform, and using first names, removes some of the barriers to communication that can otherwise exist and means that children are far more confident in asking questions and raising issues with their teachers.
Having children and adults working collaboratively in a mutually supportive, respectful, open and kind community, means that all our children can thrive – personally, socially and academically.
We’ve found that not wearing a uniform, and using first names, removes some of the barriers to communication that can otherwise exist and means that children are far more confident in asking questions and raising issues with their teachers.
Singing and Mindfulness
Daily, our Nursery children engage in singing and mindfulness, an opportunity for the whole Nursery to come together and sing their favourite songs and engage in mindful relaxation. There is a peaceful atmosphere in the Nursery, and we’re firm believers that this part of our ethos builds into the calm environment in the Nursery.
Supporting Students with SEND
Our individual approach to each child’s learning in the Junior School means we have outstanding pastoral and SEND support for students. We have an assess, plan, and do approach to SEND and have transparent communication with parents and family about a child’s progress in school. We assess applications for children with SEND on an individual basis, ensuring that the student will be able to access the curriculum and more importantly, that we have the required provision available to support the child.