Student Support
At St Chris, we are constantly updating and adapting our pastoral support based on students’ individual needs and developing practise across the education sector and in the wider world.
In 2023, we launched The Mulberry Building, the pastoral and wellbeing hub. Since its conception, this space has been incredibly popular with students.
The space allows students to connect with staff regarding any personal or academic worries, have downtime away from the hustle and bustle of school life, or feel safe in their environment. The Mulberry Building is a light and bright space where students are greeted warmly by friendly staff members. The building has dedicated library and computer spaces and an open lobby where students can peacefully study or wind down.
Our new starters are always advised to return to The Mulberry Building should they get lost, and the space becomes a place of reassurance for students in their often emotionally tumultuous first few weeks at School.
In the same year, we brought our SEND to the centre of our campus. Repurposing office blocks in the courtyard, the SEND team now reside at the heart of the Senior School. Our specialist SEND team reside in a warm and cosy building with a quiet sensory room for students who need to regulate.
Our SEND team work directly with students on a 1-1 basis, providing them with learning support in class or in a private meeting. We’re proud to have a large neurodivergent student population who bring new ideas and alternative outlooks on learning at our School. We admit children with SEND on a means-tested basis, meaning we only admit a child to the School if we feel we can meet their individual needs. To find out more about our process for admitting children with SEND, please see the link below.

Company Advisers
One of St Chris’ unique selling points is the role of adviser. This person builds an unparalleled working relationship with students, meeting them every morning and checking in with them throughout the week where necessary.
Company Advisers are most comparable to form tutors and look after their Company, which is most comparable to a form. Each Company is comprised of students across all year groups, which creates a supportive peer network across the school as students share their different experiences and advice. Company Advisers work closely with the Heads of Year and Assistant Head (Pastoral) and are parents and students’ first port of call for absence, pastoral, academic, or wellbeing issues.