Please ensure that children bring in a reusable water bottle each day.
Everyday Clothing
There is no uniform at St Christopher School, but clothes must be appropriate for a school environment, clean and mended. Camouflage and military-type clothing are not allowed.
All children are asked to have indoor shoes to change into and these must be non-slip. The ideal indoor shoes are Crocs, sensible slippers, trainers or similar.
In the Nursery, children play outside whatever the weather so will need warm, water-proof clothes and wellington boots – these can be left in school.
In the summer, please ensure your child applies sunscreen before they come into school and that they have a hat for break times.
All Nursery children should bring a spare set of labelled clothes which can be left in school.
Forest School
Nursery children take part in weekly Forest School sessions.
In the winter for these sessions they need to bring in a coat, wellies, waterproof trousers, a hat and gloves. In the summer please ensure that they have wellies, a sun hat and suitable clothing – this could still be a coat!
PE Kit
Nursery children do not need to purchase a St Chris PE kit. However, they will need the following:
Shorts (navy without loops, pockets or a belt)
White T-shirt
Sports trainers (not fashion trainers or plimsoles) that students can put on and take off themselves
Navy sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms for colder days
For PE / games, jewellery must be removed to a safe standard. Long hair should always be tied back and nails need to be sufficiently short to prevent injury to self and others.
Swimming Kit
A black swimsuit or trunks. We support students’ confidence in the water and allow a wide variety of styles. Please see our guide below for further information.
Swim hat (preferably silicone): this is essential for taking part
Optional rash vest/t-shirt to wear in addition to costume/trunks
Please ensure all items of swimming and PE kit are named.