Being organised is very important for students as they transition to the Senior School. Students move around the School and have a range of lessons, which often have different requirements in terms of books and equipment.
Most students quickly get the hang of this, but some need help at home with the organisation of their school bag for the next day. To help, parents can see a copy of their child’s timetable, which is available on My School Portal.
Please be aware that there are no bells at St Chris to advise on the start and end times of lessons so students should get used to wearing and using a watch (although members of staff will be there to help in the first few weeks). Where lessons are back to back, there is 10 minutes of ‘moving time’ between periods.
Personal Belongings
Each student has a locker where they can store their books, bags and personal belongings. Students have access to a locker during their break and lunchtime so that they do not need to carry their books or kit for around with them for the whole day.
An equipment list and details about how to log on to My School Portal can be found below.
Mobile Phones
In Year 7 (I Group) each student is provided with a mobile phone locker that they must use while at school. To encourage our Year 7 students to play and socialise, they are not permitted to carry their phones with them at all during the school day. If they need to contact home, or parents need to contact them, this can be arranged via the Mulberry Building.
From the end of Year 7 onwards, students are given the responsibility of looking after and using their phones independently, but the School policy is that all mobile phones must be switched off and stored out of sight around the campus and during lessons unless specific permission has been given by the teacher for educational purposes.
Lost Property
Please ensure that all belongings are named, including shoes, coats and PE kit. Lost property is handed in to the Mulberry Building.