In this week's Roundup:
Head's Welcome | The Week Ahead | Key Term Dates | Noticeboard | Photo of the Week
Nursery & Junior | Senior & Sixth Form | Submit a Story
A message from
Rich Jones, Head.
This week I was really touched and amused by a parent of a student who left last academic year who sent through a gift to me. The card said ‘we thought this would give you solace with all the rugby on currently’. They had, as proud South Africans, bought me a Springbok jersey to wear as I watch England play and falter. It did make me laugh but I have not quite brought myself to put it on yet.
However, it did put me in mind of my own childhood where South Africa was in a very different position in the world. With Apartheid in full swing and racism rife across the country, the international community had shunned the nation, and the calls for a certain Nelson Mandela to be freed rang in the air louder and louder.
But perhaps, it rang a little less loudly in my little conservative Somerset town. I remember complaining to my mum that kids at school and some teachers were saying that Mandela was simply a terrorist and that the regime was normal and fair. My mum would sigh, sit down next to me at the kitchen table, and explain that some people just had some ‘funny ideas about things they are scared of’.
Being the difficult and truculent individual that I was, I decided to take things into my own hands and started fundraising at my massive comprehensive school for the Mandela Scholarship Fund which funded placements for young black South Africans at universities across the UK. I have to be honest, the money that I raised from a sponsored silence (remember those), a lunchtime bake sale outside the canteen and a table tennis tournament (with only three participants, including me) raised an epic total of £23.43. A few teachers helped pitch in, my mates did (more out of sympathy than anything else) and my mum donated a fiver. It was pretty galling to be told that I was a terrorist sympathiser by the then head of maths and even my head of year told me to “be careful” and not to make too much noise. Oddly, but perhaps depressingly predictably, a couple of families chose to stop talking to my parents at church, I was viewed with increasing suspicion at school and the school newsletter decided against my plea for an article about my fundraising activities (although that could have been more to do with the paltry sums raised than support for Heunis and FW de Klerk’s policies).
Not a great or positive reflection on my UK schooling experience or the outlook of a small Somerset community in the 1980s but I do think about it from time to time as Head of St Chris. I am grateful that our school champions human rights, teaches debate, encourages critical thinking and actively, and with gusto, fundraises for a variety of causes and charities. It was such a joy to watch the new Major Officials in the Senior School this week raising both awareness and money for charity. I must say that their Just Dance Clubs, Stupid Cupid and teacher baby photo competitions were slightly more inspired than my rather pathetic sponsored silence.
There will always be people we encounter who tarnish our world views, there will always be grim contexts and people who have strong beliefs that differ from our own and where we can’t fathom how to reconcile them. However, I agree with Helen Keller, who said that “the highest result of education is tolerance” and that is part of the potency of St Chris; that commitment to the importance of questioning, championing difference, self-expression and confidence that transforms not only our student’s lives, but the lives of those around them.
And I may well wear my Springbok top if we don’t manage to beat Scotland next week. Have a wonderful half term everyone.
Junior School
Moana Tickets
Students in the Junior School have been working hard on rehearsing for their upcoming production of Moana on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 March 2025, and tickets are now on sale following the links below to My School Portal.
All members of the cast take part in both performances except for the characters of Moana and Maui.
- On Thursday 6 March Moana will be played by Delilah Wilshere-Neal and the role of Maui will be played by Ronnie Kemp.
- On Friday 7 March Moana will be played by Francesca Stoddell and the role of Maui will be played by James Li Ting Chung.
The show starts at 7.00 pm and tickets cost £5 each. Tickets are capped at 16 per family. Please only buy the tickets you know you are going to use.
Senior School
III Group (Year 9)
DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio) and MenACWY (Meningococcal ACWY) Vaccinations for III Group (Year 9) will take place at St Christopher School on Wednesday, 12 March 2025. Parents are required to respond by completing the online form either accepting or declining this vaccination. The deadline to complete the online form is 1200 noon on Wednesday, 12 March 2025.
Please click on the link below for further information and to give consent.
DTP MenACWY Vaccination Letter
Whole School
Recycled Fashion Show: 1 March 2025
The annual St Chris Interschool Recycled Fashion Show takes place on Saturday 1 March 2025 and the Show starts at 6.30 pm. This year's theme is Express Yourself and all profits from the event will go to Conservation Optimism.
Tickets are now sold out, but we will be running a live video link to the show from seating in the Sports Hall and these tickets are free. So if you have not bought a ticket, then please do just turn up. There will be a parade of costumes into the Sports Hall at the end of the first half.
Following the show we have organised for an exhibition of photographs of the costumes and some of the costumes themselves in The Letchworth Settlement. There will be a private view on Thursday 13 March 2025 with the exhibition open to the general public from Friday 14 March to Wednesday 2 April (in the last week of term).
Wellbeing Hub
Teachers and parents from St Chris are empowered to support the mental health and wellbeing of young people through an innovative online platform provided by The Wellbeing Hub. Parents and guardians can sign up to use The Wellbeing Hub using the button below. We do encourage you to look through the extensive resources available, including podcasts, online courses, events and Q&As.
Further information can be found in a letter from Lizzie Hedderson, Assistant Head (Pupil Development and Wellbeing) here.
Register for the Wellbeing Hub
Podcasts coming up on the Wellbeing Hub...
Week commencing 17 February - Podcast: Supporting boys’ friendships with Fredi Beard, Director of Operations at Voicebox
Week commencing 24 February - Podcast: Friendships in the early years with Dr Amanda Gummer, child development expert and Founder of The Good Play Guide
The Fortnight Ahead
Nursery & Junior School
- w/c 17 February: Half Term Holiday
- Wednesday 26 February: E Group (Year 5) Trip to Fitzwilliam Musum, Cambridge
- Thursday 27 February: Monte (Nursery) and H Group (Year 2) Visit to The Smartest Giant in Town
- Friday 28 February: J Group (Year 1) Cake Day; D Group (Year 6) Cake Day
- Saturday 1 March: Recycled Fashion Show
Senior School & Sixth Form
- w/c 17 February: Half Term Holiday
- Tuesday 25 February: Lower Sixth (Year 12) Food & Nutrition Practical Exam
- Wednesday 26 February: Lower Sixth (Year 12) Food & Nutrition Practical Exam; II Group (Year 8) Parents' Consultations
- Saturday 1 March: Recycled Fashion Show
The Term Ahead
Please see the term dates for this academic year below.
Wednesday 26 February | II Group (Year 8) Parents' Consultations |
Saturday 1 March | Recycled Fashion Show |
Thursday 6 March | Junior School Musical |
Friday 7 March |
IV Group (Year 10) reports issued Junior School Musical |
Monday 10 March | Young Musicians Competition |
Tuesday 11 March | GCSE Fieldwork Morning in Letchworth (P1-3) |
Wednesday 12 March | III Group (Year 9) DTP & MenACWY Vaccinations |
Thursday 13 - Friday 14 March | III Group (Year 9) English and maths exams |
Thursday 13 March |
V Group (Year 11) GCSE Drama practical exam |
Monday 17 - Friday 21 March | D Group (Year 6) bikeability |
Monday 17 March |
PE GCSE & A level practical subject assessments |
Friday 21 March | Upper Sixth (Year 13) practical A level Drama exam |
Monday 24 - Friday 28 March | D Group (Year 6) residential trip to York |
Tuesday 25 March | I Group (Year 7) Parents' Consultations |
Wednesday 26 March | Junior School Open Day |
Friday 28 March | V Group and Upper Sixth reports issued |
Monday 31 March - Tuesday 1 April | GCSE Art & Design exam |
Friday 4 April |
Easter Holidays begin at 12.00pm II Group (Year 8), III Group (Year 9), and Lower Sixth (Year 12) reports issued |
Friday 4 at 12.00pm - Tuesday 22 April | Easter holidays |
Senior School Literary Festival
We will be holding our first Literary Festival from Monday 3 to Friday 7 2025 which is timed to coincide with World Book Day on Thursday 6 March. Amy Anderson, Head of English, has come up with week-long events from Author Visits, a Book Fair, Poetry workshops and DEAR (Drop Everything And Read!) sessions, plus - Optional Fancy Dress on World Book Day - a fun opportunity to dress as your favourite book character for the day! Please find further details below....
Nursery & Junior
To round off their term of office the JS Eco Council asked to go litter picking in the Senior School for their final 'meeting' on Tuesday lunchtime. They were very diligent, and kind with sharing the litter-picking equipment.
K Group (Reception) |
This week, K Group were in for a surprise—a giant had visited their classroom, leaving mysterious marks everywhere! The children eagerly set about measuring the giant’s footprints using rulers, measuring tape, and even magnetic tiles. Once they got started, they were so excited that they decided to measure everything else in the classroom too! The week has also been filled with LOVE as the children created heartfelt cards for special people in their lives, writing thoughtful messages inside. Their learning then took them on an adventure, discovering how letters travel. They visited Ann to collect envelopes for their surprise deliveries, stamped their letters using a special franking machine, and finally walked to the post box to send them on their way. Keep an eye out for their special deliveries at home! |
H Group (Year 2) |
H Group started the week by sharing one of their Enrichment tasks with the class, presenting their work with confidence and answering questions thoughtfully. They also wrapped up their learning on Mr Big, writing wonderful letters inviting him to join their band. The story helped them reflect on an important message—friendship comes in all shapes and sizes! Later in the week, they took on the Times Tables Rock Stars challenge, tackling quick-fire multiplication questions with energy and enthusiasm. Many coins were earned, and the competitive spirit was high as the children raced to improve their times and accuracy. A fantastic effort all around! |
G Group (Year 3) |
G Group are gearing up for an exciting post-half-term project—creating 3D structures of famous European landmarks! From the Eiffel Tower to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, they will be using recycled materials to build detailed models of these incredible sites. The children have been asked to start collecting cardboard boxes, kitchen rolls, Pringle tubes, yogurt pots, and other materials that will help bring their landmarks to life. Nothing too big though—otherwise, there won’t be enough room in the classroom! |
F Group (Year 4) |
In PSHE this week, F Group took part in a thought-provoking activity called Play it Safe. As they moved around the board, they encountered different situations labelled as Risk, Danger, or Safe. Each scenario challenged them to think critically about their choices, moving forwards or backwards based on whether the outcomes were positive or negative. The game sparked some great discussions, with children asking insightful questions and exploring how to make safe decisions in different situations. It was a fun and valuable session that encouraged teamwork, reflection, and lots of learning along the way! |
E Group (Year 5) |
E Group have been immersing themselves in Ancient Greek art over the past two weeks. First, they moulded their own Greek pots from clay, carefully shaping, painting, and glazing them to create stunning, authentic-looking designs. The finished pieces look amazing! Later in the week, the classroom became a hub of creativity (and a bit of a paper-strewn mess!) as they began crafting their own Greek mosaics. Cutting tiny squares of paper, they worked carefully to piece together intricate patterns inspired by ancient designs. A hands-on and artistic way to explore history! |
D Group (Year 6) |
D Group had a wonderful transition day at the Senior School on Wednesday. They thoroughly enjoyed participating in a variety of lessons including drama, critical thinking, history, and animal care. Head of I Group (Year 7) Maggie said: "It was a pleasure having them with us, and we are excited to welcome them back for their upcoming three day transition visit in June. We look forward to seeing them again soon!" |
Junior School Sports |
Our U11 football team continued with their winning streak this week, coming out 5-2 victors vs Sherrardswood. It was a pleasure to watch some great passing and finishes. The team created many opportunities, and, if not for the away goalkeeper, we could have added to our tally. A great success for the team - well played! |
Rescuing the Rhubarb |
The weather was kind last Saturday, and with a great turn out of adults and children, the Rhubarb was Rescued! The patch is now back on track and we should have a good crop later in the spring. So a huge thank you to everyone who came and also to the Parents' Circle for their support. We will have another rhubarb morning to reap the harvest of our efforts so watch this space ...
Senior & Sixth Form
Mobile Phone Policy Update
The introduction of the new mobile phone policy in the Senior School has been a success this half term, with both students and teachers commenting that they are happy not to have their phones distracting them during school hours. In the Mulberry Building, we are seeing more and more students spending their break times talking, playing board games, laughing and interacting in a way that we haven't seen for years. Outside, despite the weather, pupils are socialising and not looking at their screens. While phones are still in use for a variety of educational and well-being purposes, it has been great to see students using them constructively. Thank you to students and their families for their support for this policy.
We had a great end to the half term with our III/IV Group (Years 9 & 10) Rugby team beating a strong Nobel team 27-5. This means our team maintained the unbeaten winning streak against Thomas Alleyne, Fearnhill and Kingshott this term. We look forward to next half term with more games coming up. A huge well done to all involved!
A Level Art Exhibition
Last night, selected staff and students were invited to attend the Preview Evening of an Art Exhibition at the Broadway Gallery. The Exhibition contains A Level work created by 30 Lower Sixth (Year 12) artists from St Chris, St Francis' College and Highfield School.
This is the second year this exhibition has run and it was exponentially bigger than last year! Rich Jones said "... there was a real buzz in the air and it was great to see our students' work hung in creative ways amongst other schools work. It was a pleasure to see the artistic flair that our students have a strong reputation for."
For further details of this exhibition, which runs from Friday 14 February - Saturday 8 March, click the link below: