Students are invited to join our Sixth Form Induction Programme which is compulsory for all students joining Year 12 (Lower Sixth)
Sixth Form Conference – Wednesday 4 September 2024
The Sixth Form Conference and takes place on Wednesday 4 September 2024 from 8.30am to 3.30pm, the day before term officially begins.
The Conference starts in the Theatre and includes a meeting with each student’s Personal Tutor and Tutor Group; a range of activities to help prepare students for A level studies and develop good friendships across the year group, and a presentation on Sixth Form safeguarding and behaviour expectations.
Please come to the School Theatre to sign in for an 8.30am start. You will need to wear comfortable clothes (including a coat if the weather looks rainy) and to bring a water bottle. Lunch is provided (or students can bring a vegetarian, nut-free packed lunch if they would prefer).
The school term begins for all students the following day on Thursday 5 September at 8.30am.
Induction Period – 5 to 13 September 2024
Following on from the Sixth Form Conference, the first two weeks of term include many opportunities to get involved in a range of activities in Sixth Form, and the wider school. Students are also able to try out the academic subjects that they are interested in pursuing, if different from the choices they made in February/March. If changes need to be made, this is the time to do it (as far as the constraints of the timetable allow). As part of this process, staff will be available to discuss options to ensure that students are confident with their decisions.
Sixth Form Residential Trip to Norfolk – Thursday 12 to Friday 13 September 2024
Our Sixth Form residential and bonding trip to Norfolk, for the whole of Year 12, is provisionally booked for Thursday 12 September to Friday 13 September 2024. The trip aims to unite the year group through team-building challenges and activities. The cost of the trip is included in the school fees and further details will be sent in July.